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Mind Body Business

Mind Body Business is a joint initiative by the Public Health Agency and Ards and North Down Borough Council that aims to benefit you, your business and your employees, by providing a series of initiatives that encourages employers to put “health” at the centre of their business agenda.

Get Active Advice

At the beginning of November, there was a focus towards National Stress Awareness Day. The Health Development Specialist from the SE Trust has shared a few stress relieving exercises to help relieve stress and get active as you go through your working day:

  • Get Active, Take a walk -  A quick walk around the block creates an opportunity to get fresh air, stretch your legs and clear your thoughts, and then return to your work with renewed focus.
  • Stretch - If your job involves sitting down looking at a screen all day, stretching every hour or so is important to help prevent postural problems.
  • Breathe deeply – Deep Breathing (also known as diaphragmatic breathing) has proven health benefits. It encourages a full exchange of incoming oxygen and outgoing carbon dioxide and signals to your nervous system to calm down.
  • Practice mindfulness - So, what is mindfulness? Quite simply, it means the mind is present to what is happening in the moment. Think about it for a minute – is your mind in several places at once?
  • Visualize a happy place - A quick mental break can do wonders and visualisation is a great technique for relieving stress at work. If you can’t get outside for a quick walk, find a quiet space in the office, close your eyes for a minute or two and visualise a place that makes you feel calm and happy.
  • Laugh - It’s no joke, laughter really is just what the doctor ordered when it comes to stress relief exercises at work. Not only does it lighten the load mentally, laughter also enhances your intake of oxygen (we know from the deep breathing that’s a good thing), it stimulates your heart and other organs, and increases the release of endorphins from the brain (the body’s natural feel-good chemicals).
  • Perform exercises at your desk, such as seated leg raises, calf raises, and chair dips

Please see the Get Active at Work Flyer from the SE Trust - if you can, please print this out or share an electronic copy with your colleagues at work.

The Mind Body Business Programme have a number of dumbbells available that you can avail of to encourage your staff to move a little move throughout the working day this winter. Why not incorporate 5-10 minutes into your next team meeting or lunchbreak to complete some group dumbbell exercises – these will provided on a first come first served basis (maximum 8 per business). To request dumbbells for your business, please email .


The Mind Body Business 2024-25 Programme

Details of the 24/25 programme will be provided soon.

Mind Body Business will:

  • Raise awareness of the benefits of workplace health
  • Keep enterprises up to date on the activities of partner organisations
  • Increase workforce creativity and productivity
  • Engage and motivate your workplace to maximise performance, reduce absence rates and retain the best employees
  • Support you on your journey to make your business a better place to work, Mind Body Business is open to all employers and employees located in the borough. To sign up to the programme, please email: or call 0300 013 3333 Ext. 40333

Mind Body Business Health and Wellbeing Videos

Mind Body Business bring you a range of exercise videos to encourage you to move throughout your working day.  

Credit: Ards and North Down Borough Council

Further support:


Money and Mental Health – Poor mental health can make earning and managing your business harder. And worrying about money can make your mental health worse. It can start to feel like a vicious cycle. Discover practical tips on managing your money and improving your mental health by clicking here.  

How to stay mentally healthy at your workplace – managing how you can be mentally healthy at work and suggestions of what you can do and where to find support for poor mental health.  Find out more here.  

NHS Better Health 

Better Health – it is recommended to stay fit and healthy that we achieve 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, or 20-30 minutes per day. A few free apps that can be downloaded on to your smartphone include ‘Couch to 5K’ and ‘Active 10.’ Click here to see how you can make small changes throughout your day to increase your activity levels.   

Eat well - Eating well is fundamental to good health and well-being. Healthy eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight and reduces our risk of diet-related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, type to diabetes and high blood pressure.  Click here for advice on Eating well.

Work Well Live Well programme

The Work Well Live Well programme is a free workplace health and wellbeing programme, delivered by Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke and funded by the Public Health Agency.   The programme is completely free of charge, so your workplace has nothing to lose and everything to gain by signing up! Visit NICHS | Work Well Live Well for more information and to view case study videos of how the programme has already helped businesses within the Borough.

Health and Wellbeing Fair 2019

Health and Wellbeing Fair

The link between healthy employees and a healthy, thriving business has been well documented in recent years with those looking after staff wellbeing reporting a decrease in absenteeism and increased performance Ards and North Down Borough Council, in partnership with the Public Health Agency (PHA), held a one-day Health and Wellbeing Fair on Thursday 14 November at Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex.

Mind Body Business (MBB) is the Ards and North Down Borough Council and Public Health Agency (PHA) project designed to help local organisations put “health” in the heart of their business.

At the health and wellbeing fair

Public Health Agency Logo on white background

Find out more

For more information on the Mind Body Business Programme please contact:

Maura Bettes, Economic Development Officer, email or call 0300 013 3333 (ext 40914) or

Rachel McManus, Environmental Health Officer (Health & Wellbeing), email or call 0300 013 3333 (ext 40232)