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About Ards and North Down Labour Market Partnership

What is Ards and North Down Labour Market Partnership?

LMP logoArds and North Down established its Labour Market Partnership in August 2021 when the Department for Communities (one of the Department’s within the Northern Ireland Executive) made funding available for the establishment of Labour Market Partnerships (LMP) within each of the 11 Councils in Northern Ireland.

The aim of Ards and North Down Labour Market Partnership is to help improve employability outcomes and labour market conditions locally.  The LMP will work through co-ordinated, collaborative, multi-agency partnerships to meet their regional objectives whilst being flexible to meet the needs presented by localised conditions and helping to connect employers with employees. 

Following on from the success of the 2021- 2023 Action Plan. The Action Plan for 2023-2024 was revised and developed with the LMP Partnership taking into consideration the scoping exercise. The updated Action Plan seeks to build on local experience, knowledge of providers and expertise, and marry this with opportunities to address key areas of need within the AND Council area. It also builds on the achievements of last year’s Action Plan, and the lessons learned.

The following four themes have been identified as local priorities for 2023-24:

  • Theme 1 - Economic inactivity
  • Theme 2 – Youth unemployment
  • Theme 3 – Disability
  • Theme 4 – Skill and labour supply

If you would like more information on the work of the Ards and North Down Labour Market Partnership please email: