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Introduction to Health and Safety

Employers must ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of their employees.

The key pieces of health and safety legislation that employers must comply with are:

  • Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978
  • Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000

Download a copy of an Introduction to Health and Safety

Getting Started

Health and Safety Policy

An employer has a duty to prepare and revise a written statement of general policy regarding the arrangements in place for the health and safety of employees. If your business employs five or more people, this is a mandatory requirement.

Download a template health and safety policy

Risk assessments

Every employer has a duty to conduct a risk assessment of their premises. If you employ 5 or more employees, you have a mandatory duty to provide a documented risk assessment.

In simple terms, this means that you need to prepare a document which details the following:

  • The activity (e.g. working at heights, manual handling)
  • The potential hazards involved in this activity
  • Who may be harmed and how?
  • What controls are already in place?
  • What further action is required?
  • Who is responsible?

Download 5 steps to risk assessment

Download a template risk assessment

Accident book

An employer is required to provide an accident book on the premises to record certain accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences which happen to both employees and any other person who may access your premises.

If you need to report an accident, please refer to the “Accidents and Injuries - How to report an accident” section on the Health and Safety page.

For further information please read the HSENI Riddor NI 97 booklet

Health and safety poster

An employer is required to provide an approved poster to inform employees of their health, safety and welfare rights. The poster is called “What you need to know.”

You can order a poster in the following ways:

Telephone: 0333 2025 070

Find further information on Health and Safety requirements on our main Health and Safety section

Contact Environmental Health

If you need further help and advice contact the Health and Safety team on 0300 013 3333 or by email.